Script Assist for Doctors

Script Assist for Doctors

Script Assist for Doctors

An online prescribing tool allowing independent doctors to prescribe medical cannabis.

An online prescribing tool allowing independent doctors to prescribe medical cannabis.

An online prescribing tool allowing independent doctors to prescribe medical cannabis.

Prescribing medical cannabis has been legal for private specialists since 2018, yet the UK market has yet to catch up. With so many confusing processes to go through, doctors are reluctant to begin prescribing, despite the benefits it could bring to their patients. Being a controlled drug adds another layer of complexity to prescribing, as your average pharmacy cannot provide the prescriptions a doctor may write.

Script Assist aims to streamline this process and provide an all-in-one solution to medical cannabis prescribing. Mitigating risk and raising confidence by offering digital prescribing software with clinic management tools. Script Assist's integrated pharmacy means the medicine gets right to the patient, no external pharmacy or cannabis clinic required.

Prescribing medical cannabis has been legal for private specialists since 2018, yet the UK market has yet to catch up. With so many confusing processes to go through, doctors are reluctant to begin prescribing, despite the benefits it could bring to their patients. Being a controlled drug adds another layer of complexity to prescribing, as your average pharmacy cannot provide the prescriptions a doctor may write.

Script Assist aims to streamline this process and provide an all-in-one solution to medical cannabis prescribing. Mitigating risk and raising confidence by offering digital prescribing software with clinic management tools. Script Assist's integrated pharmacy means the medicine gets right to the patient, no external pharmacy or cannabis clinic required.

Prescribing medical cannabis has been legal for private specialists since 2018, yet the UK market has yet to catch up. With so many confusing processes to go through, doctors are reluctant to begin prescribing, despite the benefits it could bring to their patients. Being a controlled drug adds another layer of complexity to prescribing, as your average pharmacy cannot provide the prescriptions a doctor may write.

Script Assist aims to streamline this process and provide an all-in-one solution to medical cannabis prescribing. Mitigating risk and raising confidence by offering digital prescribing software with clinic management tools. Script Assist's integrated pharmacy means the medicine gets right to the patient, no external pharmacy or cannabis clinic required.

Spotlight: The formulary

The image displays a formulary of medical cannabis products. The norm would be for this to be displayed in an information heavy table. This view provides clinicians with all necessary information they require from a glance whilst remaining intuitive and friendly to view.

I wanted to break doctor's expectations of difficult software. Accustomed to having information pouring at them from all corners of their screen. After interviewing specialists about this particular requirement, I designed an easier to use catalogue of products that clearly displayed the information they needed the most according to them. They loved being able to see the products, and having a clear overview of their details as well as instant visual cues for the stock level.

I designed an onboarding process that could be adapted for different user types. Early stage interviews revealed that even at smaller clinics, many types of clinic staff could be filling in this information. Allowing flexibility of use where possible, medical professionals can dip in and out of the onboarding process as it suits their day, which is often disrupted.

I designed an onboarding process that could be adapted for different user types. Allowing flexibility of use where possible, medical professionals can dip in and out of the onboarding process as it suits their day.

Script Assist's Brand Guide

Script Assist's Brand Guide

I also created the Script Assist brand guide and implemented it across their website, desktop and patient app.

I also created the Script Assist brand guide and implemented it across their website, desktop and patient app.